
Kotmadam Sarafian kicks of the academic year: meet her posse

September 3, 2024
Kotmadam Sarafian kicks of the academic year: meet her posse

The quirkiest house mom in the country is undoubtedly Barbara Sarafian. In the brand-new VTM show Kotmadam Sarafian, she takes care of seven students in Ghent for an entire academic year. As a “mommy” with a wealth of life experience and a strong personality, Barbara lives alongside them in student housing for 10 months. From heartbreak and exam stress to growing pains and partying, together they navigate a rollercoaster of life's biggest lessons. Will Barbara be the strict mom or a warm friend? Will there be a generation clash, or will she become one of them? And how will Barbara hold her own among the lively Gen Z'ers?

“This past academic year, I took on the role of "kotbazin". I welcomed seven energetic students into my home and cared for this fantastic group as their "mommy." From discovering new things and taking risks to sometimes falling and always getting back up again. Over 10 months, we shared life as it is: full of chaos, obstacles, and necessary relaxation. How did they handle their first crush? How did they develop their independence? This experience provided deep insights - not only for the students - but also for me. It continues to fascinate and inspire me to see how young people in their twenties find their way in life and carve out their own paths.” Barbara Sarafian

Our 'Kotmadam' might not need any further introductions. But what about the 7 lucky students she gets under her wing? Sit back, relax and read all about the enthousiastic students we'll get to know sooner rather than later right here.

Jitse Roy

Jitse, a 20-year-old from Ternat, is social, entrepreneurial, and always ready to lend a hand. He spends most of his free time at the gym and is a devoted Anderlecht supporter who rarely misses a match. Currently in his second year of business management studies, Jitse is as diligent in his academics as in going out, which sometimes impacts his grades. However, he always takes responsibility and knows how to bounce back. Here's to hoping he gets his act together enough in time for his exams...

Jasper De Vos

At 19, Jasper is the youngest of the group but his wise remarks sometimes make him an old soul. He’s still figuring out what he wants in life and isn’t afraid to try new things and push his boundaries. On weekends, he leads activities at the KSA, and during the summer, he works as a playground animator. Jasper is studying International Graphics & Media.

Delphine Vanhemel

Delphine, a 20-year-old from Haasdonk, wears her heart on her sleeve, and her emotions are always on the surface. She is studying midwifery and is known for being open and honest. Delphine has been with her boyfriend Xander for a while, and her caring nature often leads her to look after her fellow students. She’s eager to do well in school but struggles with performance anxiety.

Audélia Goethals

At 23, Audélia is the eldest of the group. She’s half-Indian and from Maldegem. She has a clear sense of what she wants from life, now in her fourth year of nursing studies and aiming to graduate with good grades. Although she’s a bit disorganized and often runs a little late... Moving into her own place for the first time has been a challenge, especially when it comes to being punctual for her internship.

Lorelei Vandermaes

Lorelei is a true West-Flemish girl from Bruges, starting her first year in history studies. In her spare time, she plays volleyball and is a die-hard fan of Club Brugge, attending as many matches at the stadium as possible. She finds it difficult to adapt in larger social groups but is determined to adjust to life in her new 'kot'.

Rowan Van Gelder

Rowan, a 20-year-old from Rotselaar, is studying to become a secondary school teacher, specializing in hairdressing and bio-aesthetics. Despite his loud and outgoing personality, he tends to avoid conflict and is still learning to stand up for himself. Rowan is on a quest for love, with varying degrees of success.

Bram Eeckhautte

Bram, 21, is beginning his connecting year between industrial engineering and electromechanics. He comes from Tielt in West Flanders and has a particularly close relationship with his mother. Bram is a 'schachtentemmer' in a student association and spends a lot of time with his friends there.

Kotmadam Sarafian, starting Tuesday, September 3rd, at 20:40h on VTM and available on VTM GO.
You can stream the second episode directly on VTM GO+

Watch the trailer here: